Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kiss me, like you mean it

Just a random tag I got from Dine's blog.

Hi, my name is: Shanni

But you can call me: whatever you usually do.

Never in my life have I: been on a cruise.

The one person who can drive me nuts is: my sister.

My high school is: like nothing I could've ever imagined.

When I’m nervous: I bit my lip and my nails.

The last song I listened to was: 'I Want You' by Third Eye Blind.

If I were to get married right now it would be to: the perfect guy.

My hair: is a lot longer than it was the beginning of this eventful year.

When I was 4: I had sleepovers with my best friend :D

Last Christmas: I got a Sudoku book from my aunt.

I should be: going out rather than sitting here.

When I look down I see: Desperate Housewives Season 4 (: nyeh.

The happiest recent moment was: simply talking to you.

If I were a character on ‘Friends’: I would be Phoebe. So carefree she is.

I have a hard time understanding: boys.

There are these girls: whom I've known since I was two and I still love them so.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: my sister.

I want to buy: a new acoustic guitar.

Where do you plan to go during Chinese New Year?: Right where I am now.

If you spent the night at my house: we'd be up all night watching Friends reruns. x)

The world could do better without: a whole lot of things.

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: new black pencil eyeliner.

Most recent thing someone else bought me: a red rose.

My middle name is: blah.

In the morning I: never say things that make any sense.

Last night I: stayed up, surfing the net.

There’s this guy I know: whom I think about all the time.

If I was an animal I’d be an: eagle. 

A better name for me would be: I like my name actually.

Tomorrow I am: going to school. Joy.

Tonight I feel: great but tired and bored in a way.

My birthday is: sometime in October. Go figure.

Feel free, whoever who wants to do this. It kills time, really. 
Take my word for it.



Calista tagged me, too. Thank you (: You make me happy by just giving me something to do.
Tee hee.

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next one/two/three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

The nearest book to me is the one I'm reading: 'The Cupid Effect' by Dorothy Koomson. It's a really erm- how do I put it- a not entirely captivating and interesting book but what the hell.

'Up, to lads who wanted sex on week nights, who didn't tuck their jumpers into their trousers and who could watch telly in silence for a little bit.
Except, it didn't work like that.
The blokes I met were after a free therapist or were psychopaths.
It was on or the other, nothing in between.'

I tag:
; Maria Liyana
; Mei Yi
; Demie
; Chien Teng
; Sonia