Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's only your lullaby that will make me sleep

Have you ever been locked out before?
Of your house, I mean.


I just got home from 3 and half tiring hours of dance. I was going to go inside the house when the door wouldn't budge. After fidgeting with the handle, I realized it was locked. So, I reached into my bag for my phone to call my sister so she could unlock it and let me in. But nooo, guess what? Phone was dead. Completely dead. Not like, out-of-battery dead. It is DEAD. Like, it DIED. Anyway, that's besides the point. So yeah, like I was saying I couldn't call my sister. I was contemplating on whether to scream at the top of lungs so someone would hear me and let me in but no, I decided against it. Bad idea. So, instead, I went around to the back. The back door was locked, too. Tough luck. But the windows were open (; so yes, I climbed in through the windows. My maid was in the kitchen and she saw me enter through the windows and gave me the whole wtf look. I was like, "the front door was locked."

Ahaha. Climbing through the windows is fun. Especially when no one knows you're doing it. It makes you feel all mysterious-like and as though you're up to something.

Besides that, did I mention, PHONE IS DEAD. Omg. What am I going to do without my phone? I'm trying to think of what excuse to use when I tell my parents. Not that I really need an excuse 'cause it just shut off, just like that. But still, a backup excuse won't do anyone any harm.

Or so I think : /

Anyways. Last night, the moon was in the shape of a crescent. Did you notice? Well, I noticed for some reason. And I told Bryan that. And apparently, it's not a crescent to him- it's called the C moon. Or something like that. (: Aha. I said that the original name was crescent. Then, he said something along the words of, " a crescent moon is C, a half moon is D, full moon would be an O (I think). And then it goes backwards. From being an O, to a D, to a C and then... BACKSPACE."

I was like, "what? Backspace?"

He said something about it being the same as typing on a keyboard. 'Backspace' would kinda be nothing, right? And so yeah, when ther is no moon, it's called BACKSPACE. Hahaha. I laughed so hard. (:

Ohoh. Then then, we talked about the sky being sort of a Pacman game. The moon would be Pacman. The stars would be those things that it eats, you know those tiny things. The clouds would be those random ghosts that chase Pacman around :D And then I said the 'power up' things would the comets. Aha

Also something about eating Koko Krunch with chocolate milk. I said it was good. It is ohkay! He said it was like having chocolate with chocolate. Strawberry with strawberry milk. Then came durian with durian milk. Ahaha. He said if you fed a cow durians, you'd get durian milk. [Okay this next part is utterly morbid and gross. Just a warning.] And if you fed a cow humen flesh or something, you'd milk out blood.


Did that last sentence make you stop and want to shriek and run? Mm. I totally get it if you do because I freaked when he said that. Omg omg omg. Milk blood? Eek. And get this, he went on about some person's hand coming out of some person's stomach.

It could easily give you nightmares x)

I kept going, " uhck, omg. Stop it. Enough. Gross. That is so disturbing.." blah blah blah.

He said to shut up. I'll stop here now. The rest of the conversation is- for me to know (;


Okay. This is one long blog post. Well, it was an interesting conversation we had last night and I just had to blog about it (: I think I'm gonna go now. I've spent too much time on here and too little time drowning myself in my books. Ahck. I have to go.

A little countdown to a hectic week ahead:

4 days - RAD Ballet Inter Found Examination
7 days - ISTD Inter Tap Examination
8 days - ISTD Grade 6 Modern Examination && happy birthday to me.

Oh wow. In slightly over a weeks time, I will be an Inter ballerina, an Advanced Tapper and an Inter Modern dancer.. Whoopsiedoo

Okay, okay. I'm out.